The Sacred Flame
The Sacred Flame is a one-on-one wilderness journey, a 3-day experience you undertake alone with the support of your personal guide. It offers an opportunity to hold a vigil throughout the night to contemplate your life's journey – past, present, and future.
On the first day, your guide will help you prepare and assist you in creating a clear intention for your sacred solo time in the wilderness. The next morning, you’ll set out beginning a 24-hour fast, taking the day to prepare for your 12-hour night vigil from sundown to sunup. During the vigil you'll focus on keeping alive the flame of your candle. On this precious dive within you’ll journal, dance, meditate, or pray as you contemplate your life’s journey and open pathways to the guidance and clarity needed to align your life with your life’s purpose. The focus is on being present with the flame in order to receive what Spirit wants to awaken in you. After the vigil, you'll return to base camp, get some sleep if you choose to, and then participate in the closing ceremony to integrate your new vision as you move beyond the quest.
“There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
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